Age: 5
Lives in: ST.LOUIS, MO
Breed: Wire fox terrier
Special Traits: He loves everyone. Rumplepimple is a story book hero. Meets readers and loves car rides!
Here's what Diane DeWitt Hall says about Rumplepimple
Rumplepimple is our July Dog of the Month. He has been one of our favorite dog’s in our Lil’WOOF Corner reading program. We think he is the perfect dog for the month of July to help us celebrate both Canada Day (July 1st) for our Canadian readers and July 4th for our dear friends in the USA.
Here is what Diane has to say about Rumplepimple:
Rumplepimple loves everyone. He has been a brother to several foster.dogs and is kind to them all. We love watching him children, especially at book readings. He absorbs the attention and gives love back. He has spent time visiting elderly in a nursing home and is very gentle with them too. He seems to understand who his audience is and loves them all. Playing and running zoomies with the children and sitting gently with seniors. He is unique and very special. We love him and so do many other people.
Photo Credit: Diane DeWitt Hall
| Liz | Dog of the Month