Dog Breed List
From little dogs to big dogs

| | Getting a Dog


WOOF Now What is growing its dog breed list on Pinterest! We now have 71 boards and growing. This is a perfect way to get a view into what type of dog you would like. How it fits into your family and lifestyle or what it could look like from puppy to adult hood!

So click  WOOF and you will be able to see our boards!

If there is a dog breed that you would like us to sniff out and promote. Leave us a comment and we will get right on it.



As a life-long dog parent and enthusiast, I can’t get enough of all things doggie! My love of dogs and passion to educate and share solutions with other dog owners, is essentially how this site came to be. With the help of my three dogs I will provide engaging ‘tails’ and real life-lessons learned on dog ownership.

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