As part of the Lil’WOOF Summer Reading Program, we reached out to a number of authors to see if they wanted to have their kids and dogs book reviewed. Our next featured author is Chris Minich. We are reading and reviewing his book called “Misadventures of Princess Sydney”. The books main dog-character is a Cockapoo named Sydney. Sydney is a beautiful cross between a cocker spaniel and a miniature poodle with golden caramel coloring. Sydney is a princess; she has style, pizazz and lovely personality. She also has a brother named Buddy. Buddy on the other hand is a very cute Terrier that is very spunky and full of life. Sydney of course like all big sisters thinks he is just pain. This book relates a story from a dog’s viewpoint, however when reading it the book seems to parallel our everyday human as life well. We like this book for since it gives us an idea on how we think a dog views the world. Chris has been able to tell a story that makes us laugh. Our Lil’WOOF girls tend to side with Sydney. The Lil’WOOF boys tend to side with Buddy.
Sydney the main character with her brother Buddy
We asked Chris how he got into writing kids and dogs books, and what inspired his choice of for the story.
How did I get into writing kid’s books?
“ I became interested in creative writing in high school. As I got older, life moved me in different directions and I got away from one of my loves. In 2013, I took a writing class taught by Booktrope author Tess Thompson. As part of my homework, I wrote essays each week. She and the class really responded to the short stories I created, and Tess’s two daughters loved the stories they heard. Princess Sydney was born!”
What gave you the idea for the story?
“The idea for the book comes directly from our two dogs, Sydney and Buddy. Sydney is a cockapoo and our family joke is that she acts more like a person than a dog. During my writing class, I initially struggled with who to write about in homework assignments. My beautiful wife changed my writing world with six words: “Why don’t you write about Sydney?” Being a part of Sydney’s world for several years – yes, it’s her world and we just live in it – I had plenty of inspiration. Buddy is our terrier surprise and Sydney’s bumbling sidekick, both in person and on the page. Together, they make a pretty good team. (Just don’t tell Sydney that!)”
Do you have other books?
” I’m also busy writing Sydney’s next book. Can you guess what mischief she’ll get into this time? Here’s a hint: She pulls her parents (that’s us) along with her!”
We look forward to reading the Misadventures of Princess Sydney over the summer months. When Princess Sydney’s new book comes out, we hope to read that one too!
Sydney, Buddy and Chris can be found on their official websites for Misadventures of Princess Sydney. Sydney, Buddy and Chris can also be found on facebook
If you would like to purchase a copy of this book, you can find the Misadventures of Princess Sydney click here to be redirected to Amazon.
This overview of Misadventures of Princess Sydney and Chris Minich, provides you an insight into what our Lil’WOOF Readers are reading. Our next post will be from the Lil’WOOF Readers and what they think of Sydney, Buddy and their misadventures.
If you and your child have read the Misadventures of Princess Sydney, please let us know what you thought of it! In the meantime.. happy summer reading!
Photo Credit: Chis Minich and Janelle Minich