DogFest Calgary Events

Join us on Sunday November 29th for an afternoon of events that has gone to the dogs. You will enjoy:

* a fun indoor doggy playdate (dogs of all sizes) 

* local vendors selling dog related services and merchandise – because Fido hangs a stocking too, right?

* professional holiday portraits by Riverwood Photography (additional cost of only $10) – digital photos will be available within the week, with plenty of time to give as gifts and to use for your Christmas cards

A light concession will be available, proceeds going towards our  Rescue partner – Pawsitive Match Rescue Foundation.


Riverwood Photography

    Family and Dog Holiday Portraits


sample photo

sample 2

for details please visit 


November 29, 2015
12:00 am


Montgomery Community Association
5003 16 ave nw
Calgary, Alberta T3B 0N2

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